Our Vision, Mission and Values are driven by the huge amount of consultation that has taken place in Ardrossan over the past few years, initially through the BIG Lottery’s “Our Place” initiative and more recently through North Ayrshire Council’s Locality Planning Partnership where Community Regeneration and Environment (including Civic pride and community engagement) are key priorities.
It also takes account of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) statistics which highlight health, education, housing, crime and the Scottish Governments strategic objectives.
At ACSH we are always looking out for volunteers that can give a little bit of their spare time in order to help our charity grow, you can view the roles and responsibilities we are looking for here.
In order to create a stronger community we need people who can use their skills and experience to help others. In turn, you will get satisfaction from helping the local people who will ultimately benefit.
By creating more accessible routes for our community to get healthier, fitter and all round better wellbeing you will be directly contributing to the prosperity of Ardrossan and the local community.
As a registered charity it is our purpose to help the residents of Ardrossan to gain access to facilities and funding that is considered critical to developing our local area.
The Fitness Centre is open to all members of our local community. We offer discounted family and individual memberships as well as PAYG Gym Use.
Our trustees ensure the day to day running of the charity and that all projects and developments are maintained to the highest level.
By building sustainable partnerships with local and national partners we can continue to deliver project funding, facilities and events for our community.
In Need
Ardrossan Community Sports Hub is an approved referrer for Children In Need. You can make an application via the Sports Hub Today.